Hi, my name is Nathan, and I’ve been climbing for six years now. I fell in love with the sport shortly after a friend introduced me to it, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
While I enjoy all types of climbing, trad climbing holds a special place in my heart. There’s something about placing your own gear and relying on your own skills that adds an extra level of adventure and challenge to the climb. Recently, I’ve been exploring the world of aid climbing, and I’m fascinated by the unique techniques and problem-solving required in this style of climbing.
But my passion for climbing extends beyond just my personal pursuits. I’m also a dedicated advocate for the sport and a member of the Indiana Climber’s Coalition (ICC). I believe strongly in preserving and promoting climbing areas, and I’m excited about the opportunity to help develop new climbing areas with the ICC. It’s important to me that we create sustainable climbing areas that can be enjoyed by future generations of climbers.
In addition to my work with the ICC, I also volunteer my time to help maintain existing climbing areas. I understand that we as climbers have a responsibility to care for the areas we use, and I take this responsibility seriously.
Climbing is not just a hobby for me but a way of life. It has taken me to some of the most beautiful and remote locations, and I look forward to many more years of exploring and pushing myself in this incredible sport.